Greetings 2021-2022 MA FIRST Tech Challenge Teams,
This week begins the countdown to our in-person Qualifiers starting on Saturday at Andover High School, and we could not be more excited!
For teams competing in this weekend’s events, please be sure to read the emails sent to you from your Event Host as there is key information your team needs to know before attending.
Critical Reminder:Please make sure all of your students have a signed FIRST Consent and Release Form and that you can print your Team Roster.
There is no admittance to the event without a Team Roster. We are very sorry, but this is a FIRST requirement, and your team will not be allowed into the event without a Team Roster.
Please read the Be Event Ready document located at: https://
Advancement to State Championship
Last week our Planning Committee met to discuss State Championship logistics and review status updates.
One key area of discussion was our volunteer registration. Unfortunately, this count is not what we want it to be at this time, likely (and understandably) due to the impact of COVID and concerns volunteers still have in attending large-scale, in-person events such as our State Championship.
Given this, as we are a few weeks out from the event, we feel it is prudent to prepare for a scenario in which the Championship is run at a different scale, specifically 24-teams.
We hope this plan will not be needed, however, to be positioned to pivot to a 24-team Championship, the following advancement process will take place at the Qualifiers:
Andover Qualifiers/RoboStorm 6.1 and 6.2
- Four (4) competing teams from each event day will advance
- The next two (2) teams on the advancement list will go on our Championship Wait List
- We will notify the Wait-listed teams by February 21
- We will advance either four (4) or six (6) teams depending on the Championship structure decision determined by February 21.
NOTE: For a 32-team Championship, six (6) teams from each Qualifier advance. For a 24-team Championship, four (4) teams from each Qualifier advance. Our Judging Practice Day and Qualifying Event hosting teams advance automatically.
Please know it is our desire to still bring you a 32-team Championship. We know this has been a very difficult season due to the COVID impacts to our Qualifiers, and the last thing we want is another impact to our State Championship. We do, however, want to be transparent and share with you the situation we are facing and the plans we are making in light of it.
We may ask all teams advancing to the State Championship to supply one (1) mentor or one (1) other adult to serve as a volunteer to help with roles such as queuing, check-in, crowd control, etc. We ask advancing teams be prepared for this request in order to help us meet our volunteer needs for the event.
The above said – We Need Your Help!
If you can please reach out to your network of family, friends, colleagues et. al., and let them know we are in need of Championship Volunteers that will be fantastic and greatly appreciated.
For Judging roles, a great way to recruit is to connect with your company’s outreach office and let them know we have this volunteer opportunity available. For all other roles, we welcome family and friends to participate.
Please share Wayne’s email
Thank you all!
Judging Practice Day – Scores and Feedback Forms
We want to extend our sincere thanks to St. John’s Team 12589 Pioneer Robotics and Needham High School Teams 4096 T-10 (“T minus Ten”) and 5897 HackHers for the GREAT job they did hosting their Judging Practice Day events. KUDOS to all!
For teams that attended these events, scores have been published and are located at: https://ftc-events.
Please don’t forget to review your Feedback Form if you requested Feedback.
As always, many thanks for your understanding and support. Have a great week and we will see competing teams on Saturday!
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